Venture on Your Inno­va­tion – build a like-minded commu­nity and make a social or evolo­gial impact


Based on 20+ years of expe­ri­ence in supporting clients in inter­na­tional deploy­ments and projects, inclu­ding 5 years of buil­ding commu­nity and stra­tegic alli­ances for a non-profit orga­niza­tion in USA, Carolin Morlock illus­trated to the students how to network and how to get team, part­ners and inves­tors on board.

Carolin Morlock | Inter­na­tio­nale Seminarwoche

Students got an insight how to analyse needs, how to define value and assess perfor­mance. They tested their nego­tia­ting skills in a role playing games and got an idea about their theory of change and the key indi­ca­tors needed for their impact measu­re­ment. In addi­tion they had the oppor­tu­nity to swap ideas with two local ecolo­gical and social ventures.

Inter­na­tio­nale Semi­nar­woche | Venture on Your Innovation

Sepa­ra­tely students with an already speci­fied plan, prepared their appli­ca­tion for an EXIST-scho­lar­ship or for the next goAward with Thomas Schön­weitz, founder of White­spring and lecturer for Service Design, Design Thin­king and Stra­tegic Manage­ment at HfG for 10+ years.

Inter­na­tio­nale Semi­nar­woche | Venture on Your Innovation