Semester exhi­bi­tion of July 2021: More than 35 scouts award 60 goCards to student projects

Go Scouting Juli 2021 Blog

Iden­ti­fying poten­tial and promo­ting inno­va­tive start-up ideas: This was the task of the goHfG team at the digital semester exhi­bi­tion for the summer semester. More than 35 experts from the busi­ness world and the univer­si­ty’s partner network reviewed students“ projects and theses online. The task of these so-called scouts was to iden­tify parti­cu­larly promi­sing projects and moti­vated teams. If the scou­ting team was convinced of the moti­va­tion of the students and the poten­tial of the project, the scouts were able to present the project mana­gers with a goCard“. With this goCard“, the selected students are invited to an initial coun­seling session as well as a goWork­shop at the begin­ning of the coming semester. In the goWork­shop, the students can further develop their project or busi­ness model in a targeted manner.

After a welcome by Prof. Gerhard Reichert and the entire goHfG team, students and graduates who received a goCard during the last goScou­tings also presented their projects and expe­ri­ences on the way to self-employ­ment. For example, Alex­andra Lieb and Lucia De Palma presented their design agency for product and inte­rior design. The two completed their bache­lor’s degree last winter semester, received a goCard for their bache­lor’s project, and were mentored by the goHfG team during their start-up phase.

The goal of the scou­ting is the exch­ange of experts with students who may not yet have dealt with the topic of foun­ding, in order to sensi­tize and moti­vate them for the topic. The goHfG team deli­bera­tely refrains from pure evalua­tions but would like to use the goCard to offer students a kind of entrance ticket to the topic of foun­ding. At the semester exhi­bi­tion, 60 goCards were awarded.

Design – Lectures – Exchange

The digital semester exhi­bi­tion last weekend was again very popular. For three days, nume­rous projects and final projects by students and graduates were on display. In addi­tion, there was an exci­ting supporting program with a virtual campus tour, infor­ma­tion lectures, or, comple­tely new for this exhi­bi­tion: a virtual guided tour through the exhi­bi­tion with a focus. Due to the high response, the exhi­bi­tion is still online at

Open virtual exhibition

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