Ralf Wiedemann on tax return for the cultural and crea­tive industries

Crea­tive Indus­tries and Taxes – Info for Foun­ders and Students

The topic of taxes is rather unknown to many students – yet it also affects them, espe­ci­ally if they are plan­ning to start a busi­ness. That is why goHfG invited tax consul­tant Ralf Wiedemann from LIMES tax consultancy.

In addi­tion to basic infor­ma­tion about the tax return and what is needed for it, the self-employed tax consul­tant also spoke about when it is neces­sary and useful to do a tax return while studying.

Espe­ci­ally for self-employed people and foun­ders, there is a lot to consider when it comes to taxes – also and espe­ci­ally in the crea­tive industry. Wiedemann had valuable tips for those inte­rested in starting a business:

Parti­cu­larly in the crea­tive indus­tries, the distinc­tion between a commer­cial enter­prise and a free­lance profes­sion is not always clear. The support of experts can be decisive here!“, Wiedemann recom­mends. The expert also explained in his lecture how to register a busi­ness, the ques­ti­on­n­aire for tax regis­tra­tion, and the various types of taxes that sole proprie­tors should be aware of. Espe­ci­ally finan­cial accoun­ting is an elemen­tary buil­ding block for good busi­ness manage­ment, says Wiedemann. Good finan­cial accoun­ting protects against wrong conclu­sions and decis­ions as an entre­pre­neur!“ Ralf Wiedemann, ther­e­fore, recom­mends that entre­pre­neurs only prepare their own finan­cial accoun­ting if they are fami­liar with it and can invest the neces­sary time. Other­wise, it makes more sense to hire a tax advisor to handle the accoun­ting. The coope­ra­tion can also take place digi­tally and without the famous file under the arm.

Good finan­cial accoun­ting protects against wrong conclu­sions and decis­ions as an entrepreneur!“
Ralf Wiedemann
Tax consultant, LIMES Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH

Successful conti­nua­tion of the talk series by goHfG

After the successful lectures on property rights and busi­ness angels, the virtual event was another compo­nent of goHfG’s work to provide students with key infor­ma­tion on the topic of start-ups. All further events will be announced in the over­view of dates.

About Ralf Wiedemann

Ralf Wiedemann has been working as an inde­pen­dent tax consul­tant for more than 20 years and is share­holder-manager of LIMES Steu­er­be­ra­tungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH toge­ther with his two colle­agues Werner Ettel and Trutz Loeffler, based in Schwä­bisch Gmünd-Straß­dorf. Limes Steu­er­be­ra­tungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH advises small and medium-sized enter­prises of all legal forms, income tax mandates, accom­pa­nies busi­ness start-ups and busi­ness succes­sions, etc. Further infor­ma­tion at www.limes-steuerberatung.de

Ralf Wiedemann
