goHfG welcomes Bernd Häußler for a second time

20210522 Seminarfoto Bernd Häußler

Protec­tion of creativity

At the HfG, more than 500 soci­ally rele­vant and market-oriented semester and final projects are deve­loped each semester. Basic know­ledge of how to protect one’s own crea­tive achie­ve­ments is required, among other things, when students work toge­ther with entrepreneurs.

Ther­e­fore, the start-up offen­sive at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, goHfG, invited students to an online lecture by Bernd Häußler on May 19 on the topic of Protec­tive rights appli­ca­tions | rese­arch“. Häußler had already given an intro­duc­tory lecture on IP appli­ca­tions last December. In the conti­nua­tion and deepe­ning he went into the basics of patent search, the struc­ture of patent publi­ca­tions and patent claims, inter­na­tional patent clas­si­fi­ca­tion, search terms, opera­tors and stra­tegy, as well as free data­bases. He also gave specific search tips and a search demonstration.

Rese­arch as the basis for success

What are the others doing in the market?“ This is the ques­tion that Bernd Häußler asks at the begin­ning of his rese­arch into intellec­tual property rights. However, since more than half of the appli­ca­tions now come from Asia, espe­ci­ally China, early and quali­fied sear­ches are beco­ming incre­asingly diffi­cult due to the language barrier. In addi­tion, the clas­si­fi­ca­tion of publi­ca­tions is beco­ming incre­asingly complex – which is why Häußler advises a balance between the effort (time and energy) and the quality requi­re­ment with regard to the search results.

There are more than 120 million publi­ca­tions world­wide,“ says Häußler and advises to deal with the topic of protec­ting one’s own intellec­tual property at an early stage – also to gain certainty about the extent to which risks could arise due to the property rights of others. The specia­list from the Baden-Würt­tem­berg Patent and Trade­mark Center also provided infor­ma­tion on free data­bases that can be used for research.

Protec­tion of intellec­tual property as an important compe­tence for designers

The goHfG team considers the tech­nical lecture a real success – espe­ci­ally for the students. Many student projects hold great inno­va­tive poten­tial and are insuf­fi­ci­ently protected due to a lack of know­ledge. However, the protec­tion of one’s intellec­tual property is an incre­asingly important profes­sional compe­tence for desi­gners. That is why we are pleased about Mr. Häuß­ler’s willing­ness to support our students in this regard,“ says project manager Prof. Gerhard Reichert, explai­ning the goal of the start-up offensive.

Bernd Häußler is head of the search center at the Baden-Würt­tem­berg Patent and Trade­mark Center in Stutt­gart and has been dealing with intellec­tual property rights since 1997. His clients are small to medium-sized compa­nies, startups, students, and (of course) inven­tors. Start-ups, in parti­cular, should inform them­selves about protec­tion options at an early stage, because even a presen­ta­tion, pitch or proto­type cons­truc­tion, etc., can pose a risk to one’s own inven­tion without the right precautions.