
Register your project now!

We’re looking for students from all study programs who would like to present their projects. Scou­ting is a chance for ever­yone to:

  • start a real-world dialogue with experts and expand their profes­sional network
  • improve both their project with external feed­back with respect to their port­folio and their presen­ta­tion skills
  • receive support from goHfG in prepa­ring their presentation
  • parti­ci­pate in other goHfG offers and acti­vi­ties through your pitch with goScouting

Addtio­nally, we are looking for students to mode­rate the Scou­ting Team as goStu­dents during the goScou­tings. As a goStu­dent, you will have the chance to:

Expe­ri­ence inten­sive contact with the goScouts in a team

Test out and develop your manage­ment compe­tences through mode­ra­ting the meetings

To registration

Feed­back Students

Die Frage­stel­lung und die damit verbun­denen Gedan­ken­an­stöße im Bezug auf den Zukunfts­aus­blick haben uns erneut moti­viert und ange­regt am Produkt weiterzuarbeiten.“
Wir wurden moti­viert und ermu­tigt unser Projekt weiter zu entwi­ckeln, wodurch wir mitt­ler­weile auch eine Anzahl von Ideen gesam­melt haben, wie und was wir weiter ausbauen könnten.“
Sehr inspi­rie­rendes Feed­back und inter­es­sante Rückfragen.“
Die Arbeit der Scouts an sich, sehr motivierend.“

Scou­ting Process

Semester Exhi­bi­tion

At the end of each semester, students from all study programs present a total of around 500 semester or final projects. Within the frame­work of goScou­ting, scou­ting teams made of three people – both from the univer­sity and external, and guided by students – go through the presented works syste­ma­ti­cally. The scouts‘ goal is to iden­tify parti­cu­larly promi­sing projects and moti­vated teams.

Scouting Prozess
Scou­ting process | Graphic: goHfG

In dialog between the scou­ting team and students, the main goal is to help empower and encou­rage students with success stories, which can help solve chal­lenges the project team might have faced. Through conver­sa­tion, the students can discuss poten­tial for deve­lo­p­ment and any ques­tions to be addressed.

If the scou­ting team is confi­dent in the motvia­tion of the students and the poten­tial of the project, the scouts can give the project leaders a goCard. By recei­ving the goCard, the team is encou­raged to further develop their project and plan to attend future work­shops like goEdu­ca­tion, goMen­to­ring, goAward, and goStart. The future deve­lo­p­ment of the project idea is comple­tely voluntary.

Scouting Dialog
Scou­ting dialog | Graphic: goHfG


In the goScou­ting dialog, the scou­ting team (made up of profes­sio­nals from the start-up, finan­cing, design, and busi­ness fields) encou­rage students to further develop their projects and proto­types with aspects of the busi­ness model canvas and future sustaina­bi­lity. Projects with poten­tial receive a goCard.


goRoadmap | Graphic: goHfG

Sign-up for goScouting

Feed­back goScouts

Sehr herz­lich darf ich mich bei Ihnen für einen groß­ar­tigen Frei­tag­nach­mittag mit Ihnen und vielen unein­ge­schränkt sehr inter­es­santen Menschen in der HfG GD bedanken. Wirk­lich beein­druckt bin ich immer noch von den Arbeiten/​Ergebnissen der Studie­renden, geprägt von den Vorleis­tungen der HochschullehrerInnen. …“
Michael T.
Die fami­liäre“ Atmo­sphäre an der HS. Dass hier förm­lich die Luft brennt. Die Begeis­te­rung der Studie­renden. Das riesige Enga­ge­ment der HS Lehre­rInnen. Und: wir hatten mit Marina G. eine TOP Scout! War super!“
Teil­weise tolle Arbeiten, die auf konkrete und wirk­lich vorhan­dene Probleme abzielen. Und teil­weise einen sehr hohen Reife­grad haben. Sehr beeindruckend.“
Sehr gerne war ich Teil des goScou­ting-Teams letzte Woche und war beein­druckt von den Projekten der Studierenden.“
Benjamin B.

Impres­sions from goScou­ting Spring Semester 2023


Compo­si­tion of scou­ting team

Central to the success of this measure are the exper­tise, empathy, and moti­va­tion of the scou­ting teams. For this reason, great emphasis is put on the selec­tion of scouts and the compo­si­tion of the scou­ting teams. The goal is to have the teams as balanced as possible. Each team should always have at least one expert in the three core areas of busi­ness expe­ri­ence, start-up, and design/​creation. Each scou­ting team should include at least one woman and one man. In addi­tion, each team will be supported and accom­pa­nied by an HfG student. The goScou­ting offers a networ­king impulse and a stimu­la­ting and enri­ching format, not only for the students but also for the scouts themselves.

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