Register your project now!
We’re looking for students from all study programs who would like to present their projects. Scouting is a chance for everyone to:
- start a real-world dialogue with experts and expand their professional network
- improve both their project with external feedback with respect to their portfolio and their presentation skills
- receive support from goHfG in preparing their presentation
- participate in other goHfG offers and activities through your pitch with goScouting
Addtionally, we are looking for students to moderate the Scouting Team as goStudents during the goScoutings. As a goStudent, you will have the chance to:
Experience intensive contact with the goScouts in a team
Test out and develop your management competences through moderating the meetings
Feedback Students
„Die Fragestellung und die damit verbundenen Gedankenanstöße im Bezug auf den Zukunftsausblick haben uns erneut motiviert und angeregt am Produkt weiterzuarbeiten.“
„Wir wurden motiviert und ermutigt unser Projekt weiter zu entwickeln, wodurch wir mittlerweile auch eine Anzahl von Ideen gesammelt haben, wie und was wir weiter ausbauen könnten.“
„Sehr inspirierendes Feedback und interessante Rückfragen.“
„Die Arbeit der Scouts an sich, sehr motivierend.“
Scouting Process
Semester Exhibition
At the end of each semester, students from all study programs present a total of around 500 semester or final projects. Within the framework of goScouting, scouting teams made of three people – both from the university and external, and guided by students – go through the presented works systematically. The scouts‘ goal is to identify particularly promising projects and motivated teams.
In dialog between the scouting team and students, the main goal is to help empower and encourage students with success stories, which can help solve challenges the project team might have faced. Through conversation, the students can discuss potential for development and any questions to be addressed.
If the scouting team is confident in the motviation of the students and the potential of the project, the scouts can give the project leaders a goCard. By receiving the goCard, the team is encouraged to further develop their project and plan to attend future workshops like goEducation, goMentoring, goAward, and goStart. The future development of the project idea is completely voluntary.
In the goScouting dialog, the scouting team (made up of professionals from the start-up, financing, design, and business fields) encourage students to further develop their projects and prototypes with aspects of the business model canvas and future sustainability. Projects with potential receive a goCard.
Sign-up for goScouting
Feedback goScouts
„Sehr herzlich darf ich mich bei Ihnen für einen großartigen Freitagnachmittag mit Ihnen und vielen uneingeschränkt sehr interessanten Menschen in der HfG GD bedanken. Wirklich beeindruckt bin ich immer noch von den Arbeiten/Ergebnissen der Studierenden, geprägt von den Vorleistungen der HochschullehrerInnen. …“
„Die „familiäre“ Atmosphäre an der HS. Dass hier förmlich die Luft brennt. Die Begeisterung der Studierenden. Das riesige Engagement der HS LehrerInnen. Und: wir hatten mit Marina G. eine TOP Scout! War super!“
„Teilweise tolle Arbeiten, die auf konkrete und wirklich vorhandene Probleme abzielen. Und teilweise einen sehr hohen Reifegrad haben. Sehr beeindruckend.“
„Sehr gerne war ich Teil des goScouting-Teams letzte Woche und war beeindruckt von den Projekten der Studierenden.“
Impressions from goScouting Spring Semester 2023
Composition of scouting team
Central to the success of this measure are the expertise, empathy, and motivation of the scouting teams. For this reason, great emphasis is put on the selection of scouts and the composition of the scouting teams. The goal is to have the teams as balanced as possible. Each team should always have at least one expert in the three core areas of business experience, start-up, and design/creation. Each scouting team should include at least one woman and one man. In addition, each team will be supported and accompanied by an HfG student. The goScouting offers a networking impulse and a stimulating and enriching format, not only for the students but also for the scouts themselves.