
In order to provide networ­king oppor­tu­ni­ties to students inte­rested in foun­ding a company and to expand the compe­ten­cies of the start-up team, goHfG orga­nizes networ­king events also with students (busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tion and tech­no­logy) from other univer­si­ties (Aalen Univer­sity, Hoch­schule der Medien, Zeppelin Univer­sity, …) and inte­rested parties from other institutions.

goCon­nec­ting | Graphic: goHfG


Hochschule Aalen

Hoch­schule Aalen


Contact: Chris­tian Kling staart-up@hs-aalen.de

Hochschule der Medien

Hoch­schule der Medien Stuttgart


Contact: Dr. Hartmut Rösch ed.tragttuts-mdh@hcseor

IHK Ostwürttemberg

Indus­trie- und Handels­kammer Ostwürt­tem­berg (IHK Ostwürttemberg)


Contact: Markus Schmid schmid@ostwuerttemberg.ihk.de

The IHK Ostwürt­tem­berg supports goHfG with an inter­di­sci­pli­nary consul­ting team and a broad network of cont­acts based on its many years of expe­ri­ence in start-up consul­ting and coor­di­nates the start-up region Ostwürt­tem­berg. The IHK provides goHfG with estab­lished compa­nies in the region. 

Advi­sory services of the IHK:

  • Indi­vi­dual and confi­den­tial orien­ta­tion coun­seling on initial questions
  • One-on-one parti­ci­pa­tion in infor­ma­tive events concer­ning start-ups or starting a busi­ness part-time (online or in presence).
  • Grün­dungs­werk­statt Ostwürt­tem­berg: www.gruendungswerkstatt-baden-wuerttemberg.de. By ente­ring a postal code, regional online tutors are assigned
  • Personal and confi­den­tial advice on busi­ness plans


Stadt Schwä­bisch Gmünd in:it co-working lab Schwä­bisch Gmünd


Contact: Jessica Lauren Passler ed.dneumg-hcsibeawhcs@relssaP.neruaLacisseJ

The in:it co-working lab Schwä­bisch Gmünd supports the goHfG in consul­ting people inte­rested in foun­ding a company and start-ups. In addi­tion, in:it offers a further networ­king contri­bu­tion with regional compa­nies via the busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment of the city of Schwä­bisch Gmünd as well as with other start-ups and students from the Ostwürt­tem­berg region. Foun­ders, students, and those inte­rested in starting a busi­ness can parti­ci­pate at any time and free of charge in networ­king events offered by in:it and the Start-up region Ostwürt­tem­berg (Start-up Summer, Gmünder Gründer Grillen, Start-up Wednesday, MAKE Ostwürt­tem­berg), which serve as a spring­board for marke­ting their ideas. The in:it co-working lab spon­sors the goAward of the goHfG: a free work­place inclu­ding infra­struc­ture and consul­ting at in:it for one semester.

Mia Seeger Stif­tung Stuttgart


Contact: Marion Ascherl moc.liamg@lrehcsa.noiram

The Mia Seeger Foun­da­tion offers oppor­tu­ni­ties for (inter­na­tional) networ­king, espe­ci­ally with compe­ti­tion parti­ci­pants and foun­da­tion members from busi­ness and finance.




Contact: Roland Wendel roland.wendel@stb-vbp-wendel.de

Pegasus provides goHfG with access to a broad busi­ness network in the Ostwürt­tem­berg region and with committed execu­tives: In addi­tion, Pegasus has many years of expe­ri­ence in start-up consul­ting and access to capital providers.

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