Trans­human – From prosthe­tics to the cyborg

Roboter gross

The exhi­bi­tion in coope­ra­tion with the Museum Ulm opens up new perspec­tives on the topic of trans­hu­ma­nism. Until December 13, visi­tors can expe­ri­ence over 120 exhi­bits from the fields of design, medical history, tech­no­logy and art, inclu­ding nume­rous student projects from the HfG.

In the exhi­bi­tion Trans­human – From Prosthe­tics to Cyborg“ the HfG shows inter­pre­ta­tions and visions from scien­tific, tech­no­lo­gical and design findings to over­come human limitations.

The student works range from simply realizable pros­theses to extra­or­di­nary future designs that are intended to expand human abili­ties and skills. For example, in the exhi­bi­tion, visi­tors can learn about the Simple Limb Initia­tive, a study colla­bo­ra­tion between the HfG and the U.S. San Jose State Univer­sity and TEC Costa Rica. The initia­tive show­cases solu­tions for low-cost ergo­nomic pros­theses, such as the one-part knee, a knee joint that consists of only one compo­nent and can be indi­vi­du­ally adapted to the size of the human knee.

The projects from the Stra­tegic Design Master’s focus on the deve­lo­p­ments and options of body enhance­ment and cybor­giza­tion and address the conse­quences and ethical boundaries.

The HfG works are juxta­posed in the exhi­bi­tion with histo­rical pros­theses and repre­sen­ta­tions of their func­tions and areas of application.

Live at the Museum Ulm

The event had to be canceled due to the current corona situation.

Time Program
13.00 – 13.30 The university introduces itself - lecture Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker
13.45 – 14.15 Anna Foltinek, Team Cyborg - Lecture Cyborg-Centered Design
14.30 – 15.00 Curator tours through the exhibition:
Low Tec Prostheses and Projects of the Product Design Program -Prof. Gerhard Reichert
Transhuman design and projects of the master program - Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert
14.30 – 16.00 Project Team RDP - Echo Chamber VR Installation. Immersion in the personal data room
15.00 – 16.00 Open debate about the projects with the exhibitors and Coming together

Flyer zur Ausstellung


Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker

Kommunikationsgestaltung, Stv. Vorsitzende des Hochschulrats, Ansprechpartnerin bei sexueller Belästigung und für Antidiskriminierung

Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert

Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert

Grundlagen, Produktgestaltung,
Strategische Gestaltung
Stv. Studiengangsleiterin Produktgestaltung
Fachberatung Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Prof. Gerhard Reichert

Prof. Gerhard Reichert

goHfG | Projektleiter