Rese­arch and Transfer

Oliver jung fotografie hfg shooting ausstelung 201639345

Current rese­arch focuses on commu­ni­ca­tion in space, sustainable design, inno­va­tion in the field of ergo­no­mics, design of digital media and trans­me­dial visua­liza­tion. In the area of transfer we are curr­ently dealing with the topic of start-ups and know­ledge transfer.

Raising Robotic Natives

Insti­tute for Applied Rese­arch (IAF)

The IAF is the contact point for the media­tion and support of rese­arch contracts and coope­ra­tions with part­ners from industry and services. It supports the initia­tion and initia­tion of rese­arch projects and informs about funding and coope­ra­tion possi­bi­li­ties. The IAF draws its exper­ti­se­from the depart­ments of the Univer­sity of Applied Science and the asso­ciated human and infra­struc­tural resources (rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment laboratories).

Entwicklung von neuen Materialien

Consul­ta­tion Hours

You have a project idea and would like to do rese­arch on it after your studies? You would like to work out the concept and need a start-up grant? You have ques­tions about the scien­tific work in your projects? Then just come by!

We, in the Rese­arch Depart­ment, will advise you on possible programmes, support you with the appli­ca­tion process and help you with ques­tions about scien­tific work.


Dr. Brigitte Hirner

Referentin Forschung

Good Scien­tific Practice

The univer­sity has appointed a female scien­tist as contact person for univer­sity members who are accused of scien­tific miscon­duct. Please contact the ombuds­person or the deputy ombuds­person if you have any such suspicions.

Good Research Practice