Reflec­tive Haptics – Stylus-based Human Computer Interaction


The aim of the project was to estab­lish new methods for opti­mi­zing human computer inter­ac­tion, speci­fi­cally through direct mani­pu­la­tion of touch­screens. The focus was on pen based inter­ac­tion with haptic feed­back. As part of the project, new actua­tion prin­ci­ples were deve­loped and tested using various prototypes.

Project Lead Prof. Matthias Held
Project Collaboratos Ron Jagodzinski, Götz Wintergerst
Cooperation Deutsche Telekom AG, Telekom Laboratories
Duration Februar 2009 - Januar 2011
Customer Deutsche Telekom AG


Prof. Matthias Held

Prof. Matthias Held

Prorektor Forschung und Transfer
Grundlagen der Gestaltung
Ansprechpartner für Fragen im Zusam­men­hang mit sexu­eller Belästigung und für Antidiskriminierung