The Gmünd model:
passio­nate, rational and responsible

For the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd, design is an inno­va­tive disci­pline with scien­tific, social and tech­nical refe­rences. It contri­butes to influen­cing cultural, tech­nical and economic deve­lo­p­ments in a respon­sible and sustainable way. The univer­sity deli­bera­tely dispenses with artistic or handi­craft prere­qui­sites in the teaching of design basics. In contrast, all five study programmes focus on scien­tific findings and the rational justi­fia­bi­lity of design decisions.

Competencies in 3D
Basics in three-dimen­sional design

Crea­tive Basics

The inten­sive and inter­di­sci­pli­nary basic trai­ning is charac­te­ristic. It deter­mines the specific curri­cular model of the HfG and is an essen­tial guarantor for the high quality of design studies in Schwä­bisch Gmünd. Here, the prere­qui­site for problem solving skills for future design tasks is created: a reliable reper­toire of methods, formal aesthetic expe­ri­ence and tech­ni­ques. In the basic trai­ning, the laws of surface and space, light and color, time and move­ment are syste­ma­ti­cally examined.

Interaction Design: Programmatic Design
Programmed Design as part of the 2nd semester.

Compre­hen­sive Teaching Concepts

The basis of the HfG’s holi­stic trai­ning concept is the struc­tural connec­tion of:

  • Coherent teaching programs,
  • Free space for self-deter­mined learning,
  • Prac­tical relevance,
  • Inter­na­tional orien­ta­tion and
  • High-quality coope­ra­tion cont­acts with other insti­tu­tions and companies.

The aim is to encou­rage curio­sity, espe­ci­ally, the curio­sity to learn, to develop metho­dical thin­king, to convey specia­list content in a well-founded manner and, in addi­tion, to streng­then the social and inter­cul­tural skills of the students. The open and produc­tive culture of discus­sion with inter­na­tio­nally expe­ri­enced lectu­rers charac­te­rises the atmo­sphere at the univer­sity. All students are supported in their lear­ning processes by coor­di­nated orga­ni­sa­tional and tech­nical facilities.

After the basic studies in the first three semes­ters, students work on projects with self-chosen focal points. In addi­tion to effec­tive indi­vi­dual case studies, all teaching programmes aim to develop more far-reaching solu­tion prin­ci­ples and to demons­trate their model character for future design tasks. Critical-metho­dical thin­king, theo­re­tical back­ground and prac­tical skills belong inse­pa­rably together.


Key Quali­fi­ca­tions

For know­ledge transfer and value crea­tion through design, disci­pli­nary and cultural border crossings are neces­sary. The deve­lo­p­ment of key quali­fi­ca­tions such as self-orga­ni­sa­tion, team­work, lingu­i­stic expres­sion and inter­cul­tural skills are ther­e­fore also a natural part of the univer­si­ty’s study programs.

Information design eye
Infor­ma­tion design

Core Topics

The core topics in commu­ni­ca­tion design include commu­ni­ca­tion systems and publi­ca­tions, exhi­bi­tions, infor­ma­tion campaigns, the visua­liza­tion of scien­tific and tech­nical content, guidance and orien­ta­tion systems, the image of compa­nies and insti­tu­tions, and teaching and lear­ning materials.

The course of studies in Inter­ac­tion Design deals with soft­ware inter­faces, machine and device controls, Internet appli­ca­tions, infor­ma­tion termi­nals and the possible uses of the latest media technologies.

Product design is involved in the design of tech­nical consumer and invest­ment goods, tools, furni­ture, trade fair presen­ta­tions, medical tech­no­logy devices and objects worn and used on the body, and in the plan­ning of trans­port, logi­stics and mobi­lity systems.

The degree program Digital Product Design and Deve­lo­p­ment – Design of Networked Systems deals with the digi­ta­liza­tion and networ­king of diffe­rent areas of life, from ever­yday objects to indus­trial produc­tion and busi­ness models. The focus is not only on user-centered design, but also on design metho­do­logy, design thin­king, physical compu­ting and the neces­sary technologies.

Design Rese­arch

Appli­ca­tion-oriented design rese­arch has a high prio­rity at the HfG. All rese­arch acti­vi­ties are bundled centrally in the Insti­tute for Applied Rese­arch (IAF). The focus is on rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment issues in connec­tion with the three core areas of inter­ac­tion, commu­ni­ca­tion and product design. Rese­arch projects focus, for example, on the ergo­nomic design of medical products and systems or the inter­ac­tion between humans and desi­gned products or systems.

Good Pros­pects

The very good repu­ta­tion that the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd enjoys, explains the above-average job market chances of its graduates. The univer­sity not only offers promi­sing pros­pects for profes­sional prac­tice, it also opens up paths into design rese­arch. In addi­tion to dealing with highly complex design tasks, the Master’s program also opens up access to the theo­re­tical exami­na­tion of design issues.

Electronic Prototyping

Tradi­tion and Vision

The univer­sity derives its dyna­mism and crea­tive power from the tension between current scien­tific, social and economic deve­lo­p­ments and conti­nuous tradi­tion. This tradi­tion is charac­te­rized by the teaching metho­do­lo­gical influences of the Bauhaus Move­ment and espe­ci­ally the from the Ulm School of Design (Hoch­schule für Gestal­tung Ulm).

Inno­va­tive design advo­cates for economic, ecolo­gical and social sustaina­bi­lity. The Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (HfG) is a dynamic lear­ning orga­niza­tion that constantly strives to improve the high quality of its courses. We want to ensure that our students achieve the highest level of profes­sio­na­lism and take an active role in the inte­rests of the users of design services. In the future, the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Schwä­bisch Gmünd wants to incre­asingly meet this demand by also offe­ring part-time study programs.