Solu­tion concepts for the corpo­rate design of tools

The aim of the coope­ra­tion project was to rethink the topic tool corpo­rate design“ in coope­ra­tion with the company Sandvik Tooling and the Ulm Univer­sity of Applied Sciences and to develop an inno­va­tive corpo­rate design for tools.

The findings derived from the analyses on product simi­la­ri­ties in the product family design of the tools are to be split into product percep­tion levels and their long- and short-range effects. The focus here was on the reco­gni­tion value, the prac­ti­ca­bi­lity or cost-oriented and mate­rial- and produc­tion-oriented design.

Project manage­ment

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schade
Prof. Gerhard Reichert
Project part­ners

Sandvik Tooling Supply, Renn­ingen; Ulm Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Prof. Göbel, M. Kolb

October 2011 – February 2012


Prof. Gerhard Reichert

Prof. Gerhard Reichert

goHfG | Projektleiter

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schade

Studiengangsleiterin Strategische Gestaltung