Good Research Practice
In its meeting on April 26, 2023, the Senate of the University of Applied Science Schwäbisch Gmünd agreed on a statute to ensure good research practice. It is based on the 2019 „Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice“ (Code of Conduct) by the DFG.
Contact Person for Allegations of Scientific Misconduct
If you have concrete suspicions of scientific misconduct, please inform the contact person. The information should be given in writing, and only in exceptional cases by e‑mail (exclusively by using the HfG e‑mail addresses on both sides). The HfG contact person accepts inquiries while maintaining confidentiality.
At the HfG, there is a right of choice in such way that its members and employees can contact either the local contact person of the HfG or the national German Research Ombudsman. The German Research Ombudsman is an independent body that provides advice and support on issues relating to good research practice and allegations of inappropriate conduct.
In the case of examination affairs, the responsible examination board must first deal with the matter. The procedure before the examination board is based on examination regulations.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ute Margarete Meyer
Department of Architecture and Energy Engineering, Hochschule Biberach für angewandte Wissenschaften, Karlstraße 7
88400 Biberach
Prof. Dr. Susanne Schade
Studiengangsleiterin Strategische Gestaltung
Scientific Misconduct
Scientific misconduct shall be given, if during the process of scientific work false information is given either intentionally or due to gross negligence, or if intellectual property rights of others are violated, or if their research work is sabotaged in any other way. In particular, the following may be considered as potentially serious misconduct:
1. Falsifying information
- Inventing data
- Manipulation of data, e.g., by selecting and rejecting undesired results without disclosing it, or by manipulating a plot or a figure
- Incorrect information in a letter of application or a funding application, including incorrect information on the publication organ and on publications in print, insofar as these are science-related
2. Infringement of intellectual property
- Unmarked adoption of third-party content without the required indication of the source (plagiarism)
- Exploitation of research approaches and ideas, especially as a reviewer (theft of ideas)
- Presumption or unfounded assumption of scientific authorship or co-authorship, especially if no genuine, plausible contribution to the scientific content of the publication was made
- Falsification of the content
- Unauthorized publication and unauthorized disclosure to third parties as long as the work, finding, hypothesis, teaching or research approach has not yet been published
3. Claiming the (co-)authorship of another without their consent
4. Sabotage of research activity
5. Elimination of primary data
Commission to investigate Allegations of Scientific Misconduct
The HfG has organized up a commission to investigate allegations of academic misconduct. It is made up of five people who are elected by the Senate for a three-year term. The commission is currently made up of:
Commission |
Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held – University of Applied Science Schwäbisch Gmünd |
Prof. Dr. habil. Georg Kneer – University of Applied Science Schwäbisch Gmünd |
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker – University of Applied Science Schwäbisch Gmünd |
The term of office of the current commission runs until August 31, 2027.
The chair is Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held.