Faci­li­ties and Workspaces

Mac Pool

Photo and Video Studios


The 200 sqm video and photo studio is equipped with profes­sional lighting and camera tech­no­logy, ideal for profes­sional photo and video produc­tions. The ceilings have a height of over 6 m and are equipped with a rail system for video lights. In the video and photo studio there are four recor­ding cabins with arti­fi­cial, daylight and profes­sional studio flash light for profes­sional product photo­graphy. The core of the photo studio is the 8 m wide and 5 m high back­drop. In addi­tion, work­sta­tions for repro­duc­tion tech­ni­ques comple­ment the profes­sional video and photo area to be able to take posters and books, among other things. Through the exten­sive camera rental service, students have access to various digital SLR cameras for their project work.

Editing Rooms

The video is a central medium for the presen­ta­tion of the project work. As an important supple­ment to the video studio, editing rooms are available to students. The state-of-the-art equipped work­sta­tions consist of new Power Macs, three high-reso­lu­tion displays, very good spea­kers and profes­sional film editing soft­ware. The data can be stored and retrieved via an extre­mely fast 10 GBit line.

Recor­ding Studio

The recor­ding studio is suitable for profes­sional voice and sound recor­dings and consists of a control room and a recor­ding room. From the control room the recor­dings are coor­di­nated and the audio mate­rial is moni­tored, mixed and edited. The control room is equipped with high-quality tech­no­logy such as mixing consoles and effects units. The recor­ding room is a noise-free room that allows for the recor­ding of acou­stic events. The recor­ding studio is equipped with acou­sti­cally damping elements, so that balanced room acou­stics are created and sound events can be opti­mally recorded.

Rooms B 1.01 bis B 1.05 / B ‑1.01

Torsten Dodillet


Rasih Bayölken

Technische Betreuung der Medieneinrichtungen

Computer Center

The computer center as a central faci­lity, toge­ther with the library, forms the infor­ma­tion center of the univer­sity and provides the tech­nical infra­struc­ture for rese­arch and teaching as well as the admi­nis­tra­tion of the university.

In addi­tion to computer pools for lectures, this includes exer­cise and project work­sta­tions with scan­ners, lasers and color prin­ters, as well as 3D/​CAD/​video work­sta­tions with tablets for the most deman­ding 3D, anima­tion or video projects. A render farm ensures fast and reali­stic 3D calculations.

Powerful wire­less and cable networks enable fast data exch­ange and access to internal storage systems and extern­ally stored data. The whole range of IT services of the univer­sity is provided by a virtua­lized server land­scape. Staff of the computer centre and student employees are available until late in the evening to support the students.

Rooms H 2.02 / H 2.03 / H 2.05 (offices)
Rooms H 2.04 / H 2.07 (prac­tice rooms)
Room H 2.13 (MAC Pool)
Room H 2.14 (CAD Pool)

Alex Singer

Leitung Rechenzentrum


The help­desk supports lectu­rers, assistants and staff members in the procu­re­ment, instal­la­tion and updating of soft­ware as well as the trou­ble­shoo­ting of univer­sity computer workstations.

Room H 2.05

Tobias Rachlitz

Rechenzentrum | Helpdesk


In the archive, docu­ments, all final theses and major semester projects of the last 25 years are stored. Students can view the works stored on paper, slides, DVDs or as videos on site or online via the intranet. The archive supports rese­arch and serves to coor­di­nate publi­ca­tions of the university.

Room F ‑1.07

Hanna Heer

Library manager

Payment and Finan­cial Affairs Office

All accoun­ting and payment tran­sac­tions are carried out at the payment office. It is the central accoun­ting office for all study programs and faci­li­ties at the university.

Raum H 3.11

Sabine Schilling

Ansprechpartnerin für Chancengleichheit

Campus Gastro­nomie

Die Mensa bietet ein Cafe­teria Angebot mit warmen und kalten Getränken, Back­waren, Snacks, Salaten, Molke­rei­pro­dukten und Süßig­keiten. Es gibt täglich drei Mittag­essen, auch vegane Gerichte und in Bio-Qualität. Zusätz­lich stattet das Studie­ren­den­werk die Verkaufs­au­to­maten im Haupt­ge­bäude und im Neubau am Bahnhof mit Getränken und Snacks aus.

Mit dem Auto­load Angebot kannst du das Guthaben deiner Campus­Card über Last­schrift direkt beim Bezahlen an der Kasse aufladen.

Studierendenwerk: Mensa