Desig­ning digital cultural heri­tage. A design-scien­tific view on digital cultural history (working title)

Digital objects such as the writing program Micro­soft Word, the plat­form Insta­gram and the web browser Firefox are part of the ever­yday envi­ron­ment of many people. They evoke, struc­ture and repro­duce actions, world access and socia­lity. They shape culture and ther­e­fore have poten­tial cultural and histo­rical value. The aim is to syste­ma­ti­cally open up such objects by means of design perspec­tives for cultural histo­rical reapp­raisal. Value stan­dards and evalua­tion stra­te­gies will be discussed, on the basis of which memory insti­tu­tions can decide which digital objects they collect, preserve and process.

Doctoral candidate Tabea Schmid
Advisor Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Prof. Dr. habil. Cordula Meier, Institut für Kunst- und Designwissenschaft, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen
Duration 12.2018 – 11.2021
Funding Financed by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg within the framework of the state support programme HAW-Prom (programme to strengthen the universities of applied sciences in doctoral procedures by promoting cooperative (individual) doctorates)


Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Rinker

Kommunikationsgestaltung, Stv. Vorsitzende des Hochschulrats, Ansprechpartnerin bei sexueller Belästigung und für Antidiskriminierung