Infor­ma­tion about Finan­cial Aid and Advi­sory Services

Here you will find infor­ma­tion on finan­cing your studies as well as advice on support in other areas. There are contact persons for some topics at the univer­sity and a wide range of advice is available from the Student Services Orga­ni­sa­tion, Ulm.

Zentrale Studi­en­be­ra­tungs­stelle

Die Zentrale Studi­en­be­ra­tungs­stelle ist beim Studie­ren­den­se­kre­ta­riat der Hoch­schule ange­sie­delt. Das Studi­en­se­kre­ta­riat berät bei allge­meinen Fragen des Studiums, beispiels­weise zu formalen Zugangs­vor­aus­set­zungen, zur Imma­tri­ku­la­tion, zur Beur­lau­bung, zur Exma­tri­ku­la­tion, zum Umgang mit Krank­heit, Nach­teils­aus­glei­chen etc.

Petra Fütterling

Head of Student Office
Prüfungs-, Praktikanten-, Auslandsamt


Die Studiengangsleiter*innen beraten in fach­li­cher Hinsicht. Bei Fragen, beispiels­weise zum Studi­en­fach und zu Studi­en­in­halten, sind sie die rich­tige Anlaufstelle.

Prof. Jens Döring

Prof. Jens Döring

Digital Product Design and Development
Ansprechpartner: Studiengangsleitung Digital Product Design and Development

Prof. David Oswald

Prof. David Oswald

Studiengangsleitung Interaktionsgestaltung

Prof. Andreas Pollok

Prof. Andreas Pollok

Studiengangsleiter Kommunikationsgestaltung

Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held

Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held

Studiengangsleiter Produktgestaltung
Leiter des Instituts für angewandte Forschung

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schade

Studiengangsleiterin Strategische Gestaltung

Semester Fee

The semester fee is curr­ently 148 euros per semester.
Fee for the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm (62 Euro)
Contri­bu­tion to admi­nis­tra­tive costs (70 euro)
Contri­bu­tion to the Consti­tuent Student Body (16 euros)

Please note: From the winter semester 2017 – 2018 onwards, tuition fees will be charged for inter­na­tional students and second degree appli­cants. Further infor­ma­tion can be obtained here or here.

German Scho­lar­ship

With the Deutsch­land­sti­pen­dium program, the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch is imple­men­ting the idea of public-private part­ner­ship in the tertiary educa­tion sector: available state funds are paid out in the form of scho­lar­ships if the univer­sity obtains a coun­ter­part from third parties. In total, the scho­lar­ship of 300 euros per month supports students who achieve very good academic results, assume social or poli­tical respon­si­bi­lity or successfully over­come obsta­cles in their own lives and educa­tion. The HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd has parti­ci­pated in the German Scho­lar­ship since the start-up phase in 2012. Carl Zeiss AG and the Uli & Chris­tine Wohl­ge­muth Foun­da­tion are curr­ently spon­so­ring the program.

The Hoch­schule für Gestal­tung Schwä­bisch Gmünd regu­larly invites appli­ca­tions for German Scho­lar­ships. The funding is based on the Stipen­di­en­pro­gramm-Gesetz StipG of the Bundesrgie­rung (German Federal Govern­ment). Appli­ca­tions are open to students who meet the admis­sion requi­re­ments, are already enrolled at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd, and are within the stan­dard study period or are about to begin their studies at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd. The next announce­ment will probably be published here in the summer semester.

If you have any ques­tions about the German Scho­lar­ship at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd, please send an email to ed.dneumg-gfh@muidnepitsdnalhcstued.

Further Information

Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ties at the HfG

At the HfG there are a number of contact points if you need advice or help on the subject of equa­lity. These include the ethics offi­cers and contact persons in cases of sexual harassment.

Gleichstellung und Ämter

R6 A9034

The Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm is a partner of the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd and aims to create the best possible economic and social condi­tions for successful studies. The staff of the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm is committed to supporting students compe­tently and fairly in various areas.

Finan­cial Aid and BAföG

Specia­list colle­agues are regu­larly available to answer ques­tions at their own stands during the intro­duc­tory and infor­ma­tion events, such as the welcome event for first-year students or the Study Infor­ma­tion Day.

Contact persons, contact infor­ma­tion and opening hours can be found on the website of the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm, Depart­ment of Student Financing.

Student Services Organization: BAföG and Financial Aid

Psycho­so­cial Coun­seling Center

The PBS (Psyco­so­cial Coun­ce­ling Center) of the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm, offers students of the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd assis­tance in solving personal or study-related problems. This takes place in the form of indi­vi­dual consul­ta­tions or courses. Problems for which help is offered are exam and failure fears, concen­tra­tion problems, perfor­mance diffi­cul­ties, contact diffi­cul­ties, burden­some thoughts or conflicts with friends or parents.

The consul­ta­tions take place in coope­ra­tion with psycho­lo­gists in private prac­tice on site in Schwä­bisch Gmünd or in Aalen. At the College of Educa­tion (PH) in Schwä­bisch Gmünd, indi­vi­du­ally arranged coun­sel­ling appoint­ments are offered regu­larly by appoint­ment. The consul­ta­tions are free of charge, the content of the consul­ta­tions and all personal data and infor­ma­tion are subject to confi­den­tia­lity. Advice or course regis­tra­tions are always made via the PBS secre­ta­riat in Ulm.

Psycosocial Counceling Center of the Student Services Organization

Further Infor­ma­tion

Legal advice

The Student Services Orga­niza­tion offers students free legal advice within the scope of its tasks and respon­si­bi­li­ties, e.g. for orien­ta­tion in tenant legal issues. You can find all infor­ma­tion here.

Private Acci­dent Insurance

This insu­rance cover is included in the student union fee. You can find all infor­ma­tion here.