Commu­ni­ca­tion design makes the world understandable

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Our task as commu­ni­ca­tion desi­gners is to simplify commu­ni­ca­tion. We use text and images to trans­late complex content so that it is readable and under­stan­dable for the viewer. Commu­ni­ca­tion design – KD for short – has deve­loped from classic“ graphic design and has gained many new fields of activity.


Typo­graphy still plays a central role in conveying infor­ma­tion: with the help of type, we struc­ture infor­ma­tion. Letters and images are not the only tools, however. Inter­ac­tive anima­tions and videos often convey complex topics better and more effec­tively. And in digital media, the inter­face plays a central role: users should be able to reach the content rele­vant to them quickly and with as little effort as possible. Important for this is a well thought-out navi­ga­tion and a clear struc­tu­ring of the content.

One focus of our studies in Schwä­bisch Gmünd is didactic commu­ni­ca­tion“: not only for school­children, but also for adults. We prefer to deal with soci­ally rele­vant topics such as ecology and sustaina­bi­lity. We do not only want to carry out beau­tiful, but above all meaningful projects and posi­tively shape the future.

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Commu­ni­ca­tion takes place in the most diverse media: on screen and on paper, static and animated, in 2D and 3D. The fields of acti­vity in commu­ni­ca­tion design are, ther­e­fore, very diverse and range from the deve­lo­p­ment of publi­ca­tions, teaching and lear­ning aids, user and opera­ting instruc­tions, guidance and orien­ta­tion systems, corpo­rate iden­ti­ties of insti­tu­tions and compa­nies to the concep­tion of exhibitions.

In order to ensure good and consis­tent commu­ni­ca­tion, it is important to us that a concept work for all media. Here at the HfG, Schwä­bisch Gmünd, the all-important skills for the design of diffe­rent formats are taught in the foun­da­tion semes­ters so that from the 4th semester onwards the projects can be imple­mented across media or cross-media.

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Funda­men­tals and Focal Points

Studies at the HfG, Schwä­bisch Gmünd are charac­te­rized by project work and presen­ta­tions – deli­bera­tely few written exami­na­tions are taken.

From the first semester on, students work in small teams at the Univer­sity on their own projects and on funda­mental design problems. From the fourth semester on, the main focus is chosen: commu­ni­ca­tion in space, on paper or digi­tally. Here at the HfG, Schwä­bisch Gmünd, we offer four focal points in commu­ni­ca­tion design.

  1. Networked Commu­ni­ca­tion

    Whether blogs or news sites, online archives or plat­forms: Content is no longer bound to a fixed form but is prepared flexibly in dynamic layouts for diffe­rent devices (smart­phones, tablets, desktops). 

  2. Didactic Commu­ni­ca­tion

    Manuals and lear­ning media convey know­ledge through diffe­rent visua­liza­tions. With the help of illus­tra­tions, diagrams, maps, and time­lines, the viewer quickly gains an over­view of complex areas of knowledge.

  3. Spacial Commu­ni­ca­tion

    Orien­ta­tion systems guide the visitor through airports, amuse­ment parks and public buil­dings. In exhi­bi­tions, instal­la­tions convey know­ledge to the visitor in a compact and lively way. The desi­gners link diffe­rent elements: exhi­bits, texts, info-visua­liza­tions as well as inter­ac­tive media.

  4. Tans­me­dial Communication

    To ensure consis­tent commu­ni­ca­tion, cross-media concepts are needed. Appearance plays a central role here. For this, basic para­me­ters such as font, color and layout prin­ci­ples are defined.

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These are our Projects

In the field of commu­ni­ca­tion design there are nume­rous trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties and courses of study: media design, media design, graphic design and visual commu­ni­ca­tion. The HfG, Schwä­bisch Gmünd is the only state univer­sity in Baden-Würt­tem­berg that focuses purely on design and crea­tion. The focus of the Bache­lor’s degree course is on project work. There are hardly any written exami­na­tions, but presen­ta­tions and exhi­bi­tions are on the agenda. In the seventh semester, you work alone or in a team on your Bachelor thesis.

Commication Design Portfolio

Here’s where we work

Commu­ni­ca­tion desi­gners are much sought-after and we in Gmünd enjoy a parti­cu­larly good repu­ta­tion. You will find us in design offices from small to large and inno­va­tive compa­nies of all kinds. Ideas, models and concepts of the design industry are in demand in almost all sectors – from industry to exhi­bi­tions, trade fairs and marketing.

So that you know how you’ll be earning a living in the end, here is a small selec­tion of former students who have taken diffe­rent paths.

My main task is the concep­tion and design of plat­forms. I’m also respon­sible for project plan­ning in the design team.“
Felix Herr­mann
Visual Designer IBM
As owner and mana­ging director, I am respon­sible for both the stra­tegic and artistic direc­tion of our company“.
Julia Laub
Owner of onformative
As art director I accom­pany print/​online projects or films from the crea­tive concept or idea to the implementation.“
Mario Simon
Art Director antoni GmbH & Co.
I am respon­sible for orien­ta­tion systems, corpo­rate design or book projects from concept to implementation.“
Simon Renner
Communications Designer buero uebele

Ask us

Any ques­tions? Then contact our degree program coor­di­nator for Commu­ni­ca­tion Design at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd:

Lena Heim

Studiengangskoordination Kommunikationsgestaltung