Infor­ma­tion for students from Ukraine

Welcome to the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd. Below you will find the central contact point for students from Ukraine for central ques­tions about studying.

The Ministry of Science, Rese­arch and the Arts has set up a central contact point for students from Ukraine. From now on, refu­gees from the war zone can obtain infor­ma­tion about studying in Baden-Würt­tem­berg using the follo­wing contact details:

Phone: +49 152 3466 9735

The contact point offers a hotline and central e‑mail address for initial consul­ta­tion and to clarify general ques­tions rele­vant to the admis­sion or conti­nua­tion of studies. The hotline is available from Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and offers advice in German, English and Ukrai­nian. In addi­tion, target group-specific contact addresses and further infor­ma­tion are available on the contact point’s website at

For univer­sity-specific ques­tions, you can also contact the Office of Student Affairs.

Student Secretariat