HfG from A‑Z


  • Academic staff

    are respon­sible for teaching and further educa­tion, science and rese­arch within the scope of the univer­si­ty’s mission. They are either assi­gned to study courses or to special fields of acti­vity such as quality management.

  • Accre­di­ta­tion

    All of the univer­si­ty’s Bachelor and Master programs are accre­dited. This ensures the high quality of studies and teaching.

  • Alumni

    The HFG acknow­ledges alumni as all former members of the univer­sity, that means, anyone who has ever studied, rese­ar­ched or taught at the HFG.

  • Archive

    Project work from the 6th semester onwards and all final papers are stored here. Rese­arch in the online archive is available to members of the univer­sity in the campus network or via VPN.

  • Semester abroad

    The 6th semester of the Bachelor programs can be studied as a semester abroad at one of the appro­xi­m­ately 50 partner univer­si­ties worldwide.

  • Awards and Honors

    The most important student design awards include the Mia Seeger Prize, Red Dot Award, IF Concept Award and Lucky Strike Junior Design Award.


  • Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    First academic title, awarded after successful comple­tion of the seven-semester Bache­lor’s program. It entitles the holder to continue further studies.

  • BAföG

    All infor­ma­tion on BAföG can be found here.

    Depart­ment of Student Finan­cing
    Söflinger Straße 70 – 89077 Ulm
    Contact persons, contact infor­ma­tion, opening hours etc. can be found here.

  • Library


  • Buddies

    support the inter­na­tional students in their orien­ta­tion and sett­ling in to their studies, and also help them with all ques­tions about finding accom­mo­da­tion or dealing with govern­ment offices.


  • Credits

    each student receives these for his or her study effort (workload). They are inde­pen­dent of grades and are valid at all univer­si­ties throug­hout Europe. One credit point corre­sponds to a workload of about 25 – 30 hours. For each semester of study there are 30 ECTS points.


  • Design Campus

    Five-day trial course orga­nised during the summer holi­days. Pros­pec­tive students can apply from spring onwards at www.hfg-designcampus.de

  • Docu­men­ta­tion

    shows the deve­lo­p­ment of a project and must be prepared by all students in addi­tion to the prac­tical project work.


  • ECTS

    Euro­pean Credit Transfer and Accu­mu­la­tion System. This system enables students to compare their academic achie­ve­ments at diffe­rent univer­si­ties. See Credits.

  • E‑Mail-Adress

    Each student is auto­ma­ti­cally assi­gned an indi­vi­dual e‑mail address by the computer centre when they enr


    Inter­na­tional programme of the EU for the promo­tion of stays abroad by students and lectu­rers at host and partner univer­si­ties. Exch­ange semes­ters are part of the profes­sional and inter­cul­tural education.

  • First Semester Party

    Welco­ming party, is tradi­tio­nally orga­nised by students of the first semester.

  • Events

    take place regu­larly. Current dates and infor­ma­tion under Dates and Events.


  • Profes­sional aptitude

    If you want to be successful at the univer­sity, you need not only an analy­tical and metho­dical way of thin­king, disci­pline, open­ness to other models of thin­king and the curio­sity to under­stand complex issues, but also a high level of imagi­na­tion and visualisation.


  • Format

    is not only the title, but also the format of the award-winning maga­zine of the students of the UAS Schwä­bisch Gmünd. The issues appear every semester and each issue focuses on a core topic.


  • Gmünd Model

    describes the combi­na­tion of crea­tive basics, science-based lear­ning and working, metho­do­lo­gical compe­tence, sound specia­list know­ledge and topic-rele­vant project work, which stands for a high degree of profes­sional success of our graduates.

  • Funda­men­tals

    Ever­y­thing on which the students in the main course of study build: Design metho­do­logy, the legal rela­ti­onships between percep­tion and design, presen­ta­tion methods, model making, typo­graphy, photo­graphy, film and multi­media and the fields of work of inter­ac­tion design. Know­ledge from design-rele­vant sciences is also a reliable basis for designers.


  • Univer­sity Ambassadors

    are students who repre­sent the univer­sity compe­tently and convin­cingly at events and fairs.

  • Univer­sity Sports

    is orga­nized through the VS.

  • HfGreen“

    Working and action group of students who plan and carry out sustainable projects at the UAS on their own initia­tive accor­ding to the motto: don’t babble, but act HFGreen“.


  • Inter­di­sci­pli­nary approach

    Successful desi­gners not only have to master the basics of their subject, but also main­tain close contact with other disci­plines. After all, real inno­va­tions and novel­ties today arise at the boun­da­ries of know­ledge and tech­no­logy fields.

  • Inter­na­tional orientation

    The inter­na­tional program of the univer­sity has three subgoals: to enable and streng­then the exch­ange of students and lectu­rers, to involve members of the univer­sity in inter­na­tional coope­ra­tion and rese­arch projects and to give students an insight into inter­na­tional view­points and activities.


  • Regis­trar

    is the admi­nis­tra­tive and finan­cial director of the univer­sity. He is a member of the Recto­rate and also a member of the Senate of the University.

  • Coope­ra­tion

    Know­ledge as a central produc­tion factor is incre­asingly coming to the fore in the deve­lo­p­ment of new and inno­va­tive conver­gence products and makes know­ledge networks between the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, compa­nies and other rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment insti­tu­tions incre­asingly important.


  • Port­folio consulting

    takes place at the begin­ning of each semester in March / April and in October. All inte­rested appli­cants are welcome to parti­ci­pate. The current dates can be found under Dates and Folder Advice.

  • Master of Arts

    Is awarded after three semes­ters of post­gra­duate studies and a total of 300 ECTS points and creates the prere­qui­sites for the subse­quent doctorate.

  • Media Labo­ra­tory

    Envi­ron­ment for testing and explo­ring new tech­no­lo­gies and appli­ca­tion areas in the fields of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Physical Computing

  • Cafe­teria

    Hot meals, salads, cakes and sand­wi­ches. Open from Monday to Thursday 9 – 3 pm, Fridays until 2 pm.

  • Module

    A module is a teaching unit that usually consists of several subjects in one subject area. The module descrip­tion names the asso­ciated subjects and provides infor­ma­tion about teaching and lear­ning goals, contents and methods. Each compo­nent of a module is weighted and evaluated with credits accor­ding to the time required. Modules are considered to have been passed when the credits for all subjects have been earned.


  • Sustaina­bi­lity

    The univer­sity advo­cates economic, ecolo­gical and social sustaina­bi­lity in its teaching programs in order to fulfil its respon­si­bi­lity to handle vital resources with care.


  • Intern­ship semester

    Required for all students of the 5th semester. Current job adver­ti­se­ments and intern­ship addresses are available from the Student Secretariat.

  • Prorector

    manages the univer­sity in accordance with the Higher Educa­tion Act of the State of Baden-Würt­tem­berg and repres­ents it in public. Members of the Recto­rate are the Rector, three Vice-rectors and the Chan­cellor of the University.

  • Psycho­so­cial Coun­seling Center

    Contact and advice centre of the Student Services, Ulm for ques­tions regar­ding conflicts, exam anxiety, concen­tra­tion problems, self inse­cu­rity, contact or perfor­mance diffi­cul­ties.

    Contact us:
    Secre­ta­riat of the Psycho­lo­gical Coun­seling Center for Students (PBS)
    Office hours: 08:00 am to 11:00 am
    Phone: 0731 79031 5100
    E‑mail: pbs@studierendenwerk-ulm.de


  • Computer center

    Central faci­lity of the univer­sity with more than 70 computer work­sta­tions for students with state-of-the-art hard­ware and soft­ware equipment.

  • Recto­rate

    manages the univer­sity in accordance with the Higher Educa­tion Act of the State of Baden-Würt­tem­berg and repres­ents it in public. Members of the Recto­rate are the Rector, three Vice-rectors and the Chan­cellor of the University.

  • Rector

    He is chairman of the recto­rate with guide­line autho­rity as well as of the senate and its commit­tees and he repres­ents the univer­sity extern­ally. The Rector is elected every six years.


  • Key / Transponder

    Required for certain rooms at the univer­sity and available from the Faci­lity Manager 

  • Semester Exhi­bi­tion

    Offi­cial open days of the univer­sity take place twice a year at the end of the semester in mid-February and mid-July, always on Fridays and Satur­days. Public presen­ta­tion of the final theses of the Bachelor and Master programs as well as project work from all semes­ters. Guided tours, study infor­ma­tion and advice are offered.

  • Lockers

    are suffi­ci­ently available. Locker keys are issued by the Faci­lity Manager for a deposit.

  • Student resi­dence

    Located in Schwä­bisch Gmünd, Neiß­e­straße 20. Infor­ma­tion and regis­tra­tion at the Student Services, Ulm, Insti­tu­tion of Public Law, James-Franck-Ring 8, 89081 Ulm, tele­phone 0731 5023846, www.studierendenwerk-ulm.de

  • Tuition fees

    From the summer semester 2012 onwards, there will normally be no more tuition fees“ in Baden-Würt­tem­berg. Students only have to pay the semester fee.

    From the winter semester 2017 /2018 onwards, tuition fees will be charged for inter­na­tional students and second degree appli­cants. You can find further infor­ma­tion here or here.

  • Student advi­sory service

    is carried out by the head of study program or the assistant. All further infor­ma­tion is available from the Student Office.

  • Academic Success

    refers to the combi­na­tion of specia­list know­ledge, intellec­tual capa­city, crea­ti­vity and social skills such as self-confi­dence, team­work, consci­en­tious­ness and reliability.

  • Study Support and Financing

    Kontakt­stelle für soziale Betreuung und Förde­rung ist das Studie­ren­den­werk Ulm, Abtei­lung Studi­en­fi­nan­zie­rung, Söflinger Straße 70, 89077 Ulm, Telefon 0731 50252 ‑46, ‑47 oder ‑48, ed.mlu-krewnednereiduts@geofab, www.studierendenwerk-ulm.de

  • Studie­ren­den­se­kre­ta­riat

    Anlauf­stelle für alle Fragen rund um das Studium. Täglich geöffnet von 9 ‑12 Uhr, mitt­wochs auch von 14−15.30 Uhr.

  • Studie­ren­den­werk

    Das Ziel des Studie­ren­den­werkes ist es, als Partner der HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd best­mög­liche wirt­schaft­liche und soziale Rahmen­be­din­gungen für ein erfolg­rei­ches Studium zu schaffen. Die Mitarbeiter*innen des Studie­ren­den­werkes sind bestrebt, die Studie­renden kompe­tent und fair in den Berei­chen Studi­en­fi­nan­zie­rung und BAföG, Studen­ti­sches Wohnen, Campus­gas­tro­nomie und der sozialen Betreuung und Bera­tung zu unterstützen.


  • Start of Semester

    Winter Semester: early October, Summer Semester: middle of März.

  • Course Cata­logue

    Available in Down­loads.

  • VS

    Offi­cial repre­sen­ta­tion of student inte­rests. Takes care of all student matters and the coope­ra­tion between students and lectu­rers. Four of the eight members have a seat in the Senate and the right to vote.


  • Compe­ti­tions

    werden per Aushang, über das Intranet oder per E‑Mailverteiler an die Studie­renden verbreitet.


  • Zahl­stelle

    In der Zahl­stelle werden alle Vorgänge der Buchung und des Zahlungs­ver­kehrs durch­ge­führt. Sie ist die zentrale Buch­hal­tung aller Studi­en­pro­gramme und Einrich­tungen der Hochschule.