Georg Kneer

Appointed Professor for Scientific Foundations in 2001. Doctorate 1994, habilitation 2004, research associate at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and at the Environmental Research Centre Leipzig-Halle. Main areas of work: sociological theory, social theory, cultural analysis, communication and media theory, science studies.

Selection of recent publications:
Georg Kneer, Markus Schroer (eds.): Soziologische Theorien, 2009. Georg Kneer: Jenseits von Realismus und Antirealismus. A defence of social constructivism against its post-constructivist critics, in: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Heft 1, Jg. 38, 2009.

Georg Kneer, Markus Schroer, Erhard Schüttpelz (eds.): Bruno Latour's Collectives. Contributions to the Dissolution of Social Boundaries, 2008.

Rainer Greshoff, Georg Kneer, Wolfgang Ludwig Schneider (eds.): Verstehen und Erklären. Social and cultural science perspectives, 2008.

Georg Kneer: Institution/Organisation. Über die Paradoxie des Organisierens, in: Stephan Moebius, Andreas Reckwitz (eds.): Poststrukturalistische Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.

Georg Kneer: Zur Integration des Systembegriffs in Hartmut Esser's explanatory sociology, in: Rainer Greshoff, Uwe Schimank (eds.): Integrative Sozialtheorie? Esser, Luhmann, Weber, 2006.

Georg Kneer: Jean Baudrillard, in: Dirk Kaesler (ed.): Aktuelle Theorien der Soziologie, 2005.

Georg Kneer: Differentiation in Luhmann and Bourdieu. A comparison of theories, in: Armin Nassehi, Gerd Nollmann (eds.): Bourdieu and Luhmann, 2004.