Spar­kas­sen­stif­tung Ostalb Honors three Alumni

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The graduates Katja Widmann, Felix Cordes and Jere­mias Lange are honored by the Spar­kas­sen­stif­tung Ostalb.

Alumni Felix Cordes and Jere­mias Lange were able to impress with their Master’s project Beyond Visual Design“ and received the prize money, a certi­fi­cate and the Ostalb Oscar last week.

With their project, Felix and Jere­mias focused on multi-sensory expe­ri­ence. They adapted products visually, by incre­asing the contrasts in color, but also hapti­cally and audi­to­rily so that people with visual impairm­ents can also use the products, as they can fall back on other sensory percep­tions as an alternative.

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Alumna Katja Widmann received a special prize for her Bache­lor’s thesis on the capco system – captu­ring choreography“.

The capco system is a dance nota­tion system for choreo­graphy in clas­sical ballet and is prima­rily aimed at teachers. It can be used both manu­ally and via Tabletapp.

With the capco system, clas­sical ballet exer­cises can be written down and visua­lized without conti­nuous text. It differs from exis­ting dance nota­tion systems, which are desi­gned for the nota­tion of complete stage choreo­graphy programs, and is prima­rily aimed at teachers. The capco system replaces the most frequently recur­ring terms from the reper­toire of clas­sical ballet with symbols and figures. Arranged in two lines for the upper and lower body, it can be read from left to right, similar to sheet music, and also contains rele­vant addi­tional infor­ma­tion such as bars and beats.

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Both projects were honored last week. The graduates were presented with their prizes by Markus Frei, head of the savings bank, and District Admi­nis­trator Dr. Joachim Bläse.