IDEEN­STARK Winner 2023

Max Hartmann Ideenstark 2023


Max Hart­mann (HfG alumnus) was honored with the IDEEN­STARK Prize 2023 for his project Loggos“.

Ten inno­va­tive, sustainable and soci­ally bene­fi­cial compa­nies from Baden-Würt­tem­berg’s cultural and crea­tive indus­tries were selected from over 100 appli­ca­tions. In addi­tion to their award, they can now look forward to an accom­panying program in which they can further develop and promote their busi­ness models in the form of coaching and further training.

The IDEEN­STARK award was presented for the seventh time this year by MFG Baden-Würt­tem­berg and is supported by the Ministry of Science, Rese­arch and the Arts and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism of Baden-Würt­tem­berg.

Max Hart­mann:
I am of course delighted to receive the award and look forward to the coming year full of shared inspi­ra­tion. I am parti­cu­larly pleased that the topic of play has been given the atten­tion it deserves through such an award.“