HfG Students in the Final of the Start-up BW Elevator Pitch 2024“

11 ws23 24 ig7 Mailaender Struppe Costa Bloom

Bloom“ enters the state finals of the Start-up BW Elevator Pitch 2024“. Inno­va­tive busi­ness ideas from diffe­rent foun­ders will be selected and honored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

In a world of count­less possi­bi­li­ties, high school students often feel over­whelmed and uncer­tain when it comes to choo­sing a career. Stan­dar­dized career guidance programs offer little help, as they do not address the indi­vi­dual needs of young people and are not tail­ored to specific target groups.

Bloom has been speci­ally deve­loped to meet the needs of today’s students. It combines modern elements remi­nis­cent of trendy social media apps with the serious topic of finding a career. The result is a user-friendly, appe­aling app that is fun and infor­ma­tive at the same time. At the center of the app is an AI chatbot that allows users to talk about their inte­rests and concerns and guides them through the process of self-discovery.

The app provides a detailed over­view of career fields that match indi­vi­dual skills and inte­rests. It thus offers valuable guidance in the often-confu­sing world of career opportunities.

As part of the Start-up BW Elevator Pitch 2024“, Baden-Würt­tem­berg-wide preli­mi­nary compe­ti­tions are held in which young foun­ders have to convince a selected jury of their project in three minutes. Alex­ander Struppe, Carlo Mailänder and Kevin Costa impressed the jury with their pitch and have been given the chance to compete in the 2024 state finals.

The HfG keeps its fingers crossed for Bloom“ and congra­tu­lates them on their success!