HfG elects new Chancellor

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The Recto­rate of the Univer­sity of Art and Design is complete again: The Univer­sity Council and Senate elected Norbert Käthler as Chan­cellor by a large majo­rity on 24th April 2024.

From a total field of 17 candi­dates, the selec­tion committee put forward three candi­dates for elec­tion. At the end of the elec­tion day, Norbert Käthler prevailed against the other candi­dates. Norbert Käthler has many years of expe­ri­ence as a manager at the inter­face between the private and public sectors, inclu­ding as Mana­ging Director of the Stadt­mar­ke­ting und Tourismus GmbHs in Esslingen, Karls­ruhe and Trier. In Karls­ruhe, he set up the science office and realized nume­rous projects with universities.

I’m really looking forward to getting involved with the HfG,“ says Norbert Käthler, because it’s a meaningful and crea­tive task in an academic and crea­tive envi­ron­ment. Further­more, I have already learned to appre­ciate the region in my previous acti­vi­ties and ther­e­fore enjoy coming to Schwä­bisch Gmünd.“ 

The Chair­person of the Univer­sity Council, Stefanie Brum, congra­tu­lated Mr Käthler and wished him every success in his new role. Norbert Käthler succeeds Matthias Schall, who retired at the end of his term of office.