Exhi­bi­tion at the HfG The Most Beau­tiful German Books 2023“

Julius junghanns ausstellung plakat

The Book Art Foun­da­tion honors the 25 most beau­tiful books of the year in the compe­ti­tion for The Most Beau­tiful German Books“. The award-winning books are exem­plary in terms of design, concept and produc­tion and demons­trate a wide range of design and produc­tion possi­bi­li­ties, setting stan­dards and high­lighting trends in German book produc­tion. There are five winners in each of the five cate­go­ries General Lite­ra­ture“, Scien­tific Books, Specia­list Books, School and Text­books“, Guide­books, Non-Fiction“, Art Books, Photo­graphy Books, Exhi­bi­tion Cata­lo­gues“ and Child­ren’s Books, Books for Young People“.

11st – 31st March 2024
Monday to Friday
9 am – 5 pm
in the library of the Univer­sity of Design Schwä­bisch Gmünd,
Rektor-Klaus-Strasse 98

Poster design by Julius Junghanns
Typo­gra­phic basics
Product design, 1st semester
Davide Durante, Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert