ADC Talent Award Silver and Bronze 2023 to HfG projects

More awards for projects of our HfG-students at the ADC (Art Directors Club) Talent Award 2023. Johannes Rothkegel, Leon Burg, and Jannes Daur, students of University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd (HfG), received the „ADC Talent Award 2023 – Silver Nail“ for their Invention Design project „DETACT – A tactile card system for people with blindness“. The project „RepAiR – AR Repair Aid System“ by HfG students Nicole Krein, Jun Wang, and André Jacoby received the „ADC Talent Award 2023 – Bronze Nail“.
The basis for DETACT, developed in the third semester of the interaction design course, is inForm, a project of the Tangible Media Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is a large display that can show color information as well as height information. Each pixel consists of a height-adjustable pin. The sum of the individual pins creates a deformable display. „For our project, we assumed that the resolution of this display technology will increase dramatically over the next few decades and can be incorporated into a portable device such as a tablet computer,“ the HfG award winners said.
The ADC Talent Award jury’s verdict: „Speculative design at its best: making landscapes tactile and high-resolution for blind and visually impaired people to experience is worth a nail. A plausible concept: magnificently designed and presented in high quality.“
Award ADC Talent Award Bronze for RepAiR
RepAiR – an AR-based repair assistance system – created in the 3rd semester of the Interaction Design course, enables any damaged electronic device to be made fully functional again with the help of an innovative community system based on augmented reality. The basic idea of RepAiR is based on the idea that a community system helps to bring together hobby repairers and users with defective products. Each user specifies his or her repair skills to assess suitability as a repair helper. RepAir thus gives users the opportunity to repair broken devices in cooperation with dedicated like-minded people.
The ADC Talent Award
With the Talent Award, ADC honors young creatives for outstanding communication and design achievements. In addition to the entries in the ADC competition, the ADC jury also honors the most groundbreaking communication achievements of the young creatives with bronze, silver and gold nails in the categories semester, final, and practical work.