All notifications December 2023 Kategorie Veranstaltung Meldung Auszeichnung Bekanntmachungen Intranet goHfG Search Schutzrechte und Recherche schon als Studierende? 12. December 2023 Warum Grundkenntnisse über Schutzrechte und Patentrecherche bereits für Studierende wichtig ist, hat Herr Häußler vom Patent- und Markenzentrum Baden-Württemberg anhand von Beispielen in einem online Vortrag erläutert. IDEENSTARK Winner 2023 6. December 2023 On 15th November 2023, this year's winners were awarded the IDEENSTARK prize as part of the "Time for Innovation" future conference. Congratulations to Max Hartmann. He was awarded the IDEENSTARK Prize 2023 for his project "Loggos". HfG students win the federal ecodesign award 2023 5. December 2023 Congratulations to Raphael Jung & Jan Sagasser. You have been awarded the "bundespreis ecodesign 2023" in the "Young talent" category for your "Product Design of Resource Scarcity" project. The "PlantScrew" project by Franziska Dehm and Dominic Hahn was nominated in the "Offspring" category.
Schutzrechte und Recherche schon als Studierende? 12. December 2023 Warum Grundkenntnisse über Schutzrechte und Patentrecherche bereits für Studierende wichtig ist, hat Herr Häußler vom Patent- und Markenzentrum Baden-Württemberg anhand von Beispielen in einem online Vortrag erläutert.
IDEENSTARK Winner 2023 6. December 2023 On 15th November 2023, this year's winners were awarded the IDEENSTARK prize as part of the "Time for Innovation" future conference. Congratulations to Max Hartmann. He was awarded the IDEENSTARK Prize 2023 for his project "Loggos".
HfG students win the federal ecodesign award 2023 5. December 2023 Congratulations to Raphael Jung & Jan Sagasser. You have been awarded the "bundespreis ecodesign 2023" in the "Young talent" category for your "Product Design of Resource Scarcity" project. The "PlantScrew" project by Franziska Dehm and Dominic Hahn was nominated in the "Offspring" category.