Information for
Teachers and Schools
Study Ambassadors at your School
Secondary schools and educational institutions already offer a wide range of study and career guidance programs. Do you also offer special info days and info evenings for your students?
We would be happy to present the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and the study programs and arrange for HfG students to act as study ambassadors who talk about their decision-making process, their studies and their experiences at the university.
Feel free to contact us and together we will find the right format for your institution.

Visit to the Semester Exhibition
At the end of each semester, i.e. in February and July, the semester exhibition of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd takes place. On these two open house days, all students exhibit their project work and final projects in our university buildings and are available to answer questions about their projects and studies.
For educational institutions we organize individual guided tours through the exhibition. There will also be public tours on both days and an information event for prospective students and parents on Saturdays.
Information Material about Studying at the HfG
We will gladly send you information material about the university and our study programs upon request. We would be happy to include your educational institution in the biannual distribution list for posters and flyers about our events. Otherwise, we will also be happy to inform you by email. Please contact us if we can send you material or if you would like to be included in the distribution list.