Questions about Bachelor Applications

What skills and interests do I need to study at the HfG?
You are curious, can think analytically and understand complex issues? Your main interest is in design that focuses on people? You can recognize design problems, whether in industrially manufactured objects, in visual communication or in dealing with interactive applications? You want to visualize and realize solutions professionally? Then you are exactly right for us!
Is the University of Applied Sciences a state accredited university?
Yes, the University of Applied Sciences a state accredited university. All courses of study are accredited.
Are there tuition fees at the HfG?
We are a state-run university, so you only have to pay the administration fee of 136 euros per semester. For the winter semester 2017 – 2018, Baden-Württemberg has introduced tuition fees of 1,500 euros per semester for students who come from outside the EU for the purpose of studying. These fees are in addition to the administration fee. If the Master’s programme is completed as a second degree course, tuition fees of 650 euros per semester will be charged in addition to the administrative costs contribution.
I’m looking for a creative course of study. But do I have to draw really well?
We do not require knowledge of drawing, so that a tree or portrait can be reproduced realistically. You should have a feeling for spatial relationships and be able to sketch your ideas. Your creativity is needed when you are looking for and finding creative solutions for current and future problems.
Do I need to be able to program for Interaction Design or Digital Product Design and Development?
We do not require programming knowledge. In the first semesters you learn the necessary programming languages. Furthermore, the HfG offers free tutorials in which you can expand your basic knowledge.
Can I also study at the HfG without the German University Qualifications Exam?
You must be able to show that you have an advanced technical college entrance qualification, a general or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification, an equivalent university entrance qualification or a special talent.
Do I have to have completed a pre-study internship or already completed an apprenticeship?
No. For example, knowledge of craftsmanship is an advantage for studying product design, but is not a prerequisite for admission. The HfG’s workshop managers offer introductory courses for all areas such as wood, metal or plastics processing and will advise you on your project work. In the material library, you will also get a comprehensive overview of materials from which you can make your prototypes and products.
How do I apply for Bachelor studies?
Your registration and application must be submitted via the online application portal by May 15th/November 15th at the latest. For the winter semester, the aptitude test will take place in June, and for the summer semester, it will take place at the end of November/beginning of December. If your application is complete, you will receive a link and your exam time slot approximately one week before the exam (please provide the correct email address when applying). Prepare your solution to the task set by us for this date (will be published on our website approx. 6 – 8 weeks before the qualifying examination) and in the courses Product Design and Communication Design a digital presentation of your work samples.
Is there a design program without a portfolio?
Classic portfolios are no longer a requirement for any degree program.
For admission to the Product Design and Communication Design courses, in addition to completing the homework assignment, it is also compulsory to prepare 12 to 15 self-made work samples, e.g. two-dimensional works, films, models and animations, with a legible name and date of creation, and, if applicable, to store them digitally. Please have these work samples prepared as digital files (PowerPoint, pdf or similar) for the online aptitude test on the respective device, just like the homework.
In the courses of study Interaction Design and Digital Product Design and Development, work samples are optional.
Using the screen sharing function, you have the opportunity to present your solution and work samples digitally during the interview (approx. 5 minutes).
What happens on the day of the aptitude test?
You will receive a Zoom link and your test time slot of approximately one hour approximately one week before the aptitude test. On the day of the test, the link will take you to the digital waiting room for the qualifying test (Please wait for the host to start this meeting). The examiners will bring you into the virtual meeting room for a 15 minute conversation. During this time, you will also explain your solution to the given task and present your work samples via screen-sharing in the Communication Design and Product Design courses. In the courses of study Interaction Design and Digital Product Design and Development, the presentation of your own work samples is optional. Unfortunately, there may be waiting times of up to one hour for the exam, so please plan accordingly.
Was muss ich zur Eignungsprüfung mitbringen?
Bitte bringe am Tag der Eignungsprüfung deine Hausaufgabe und für Produktgestaltung auch deine Arbeitsproben mit. Für Interaktionsgestaltung und Kommunikationsgestaltung ist das Mitbringen von Arbeitsproben optional.
Des Weiteren benötigst du
Schere & Cutter
Klebstoff für Karton/Papier
klarsichtiges Klebeband
Wo übernachte ich, wenn ich zur Eignungsprüfung von weiter weg anreise?
Da viele Bewerber*innen von weiter weg anreisen, bieten wir Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten vom Vortag auf den Tag der Eignungsprüfung bei Studierenden der Hochschule an. Nähere Informationen zum Ablauf und einen entsprechenden Kontakt erhältst Du mit einer Einladung zur Eignungsprüfung.
Which degrees can I acquire at the HfG? Is there a Bachelor of Design?
Here, you will complete your Bachelor’s degree in communication design, product design, interaction design or the Digital Product Design and Development with the Bachelor of Arts. The Master of Strategic Design is awarded a degree in Master of Arts.
Can I apply for more than one degree program?
You can only apply for one degree program per semester.