Ques­tions about Bachelor Applications

Studierende der HfG

What skills and inte­rests do I need to study at the HfG?

You are curious, can think analy­ti­cally and under­stand complex issues? Your main inte­rest is in design that focuses on people? You can reco­gnize design problems, whether in indus­tri­ally manu­fac­tured objects, in visual commu­ni­ca­tion or in dealing with inter­ac­tive appli­ca­tions? You want to visua­lize and realize solu­tions profes­sio­nally? Then you are exactly right for us!

Is the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences a state accre­dited university?

Yes, the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences a state accre­dited univer­sity. All courses of study are accredited. 

Are there tuition fees at the HfG?

We are a state-run univer­sity, so you only have to pay the admi­nis­tra­tion fee of 136 euros per semester. For the winter semester 2017 – 2018, Baden-Würt­tem­berg has intro­duced tuition fees of 1,500 euros per semester for students who come from outside the EU for the purpose of studying. These fees are in addi­tion to the admi­nis­tra­tion fee. If the Master’s programme is completed as a second degree course, tuition fees of 650 euros per semester will be charged in addi­tion to the admi­nis­tra­tive costs contribution.

I’m looking for a crea­tive course of study. But do I have to draw really well?

We do not require know­ledge of drawing, so that a tree or portrait can be repro­duced reali­sti­cally. You should have a feeling for spatial rela­ti­onships and be able to sketch your ideas. Your crea­ti­vity is needed when you are looking for and finding crea­tive solu­tions for current and future problems.

Do I need to be able to program for Inter­ac­tion Design or Digital Product Design and Development?

We do not require programming know­ledge. In the first semes­ters you learn the neces­sary programming languages. Further­more, the HfG offers free tuto­rials in which you can expand your basic knowledge.

Can I also study at the HfG without the German Univer­sity Quali­fi­ca­tions Exam?

You must be able to show that you have an advanced tech­nical college entrance quali­fi­ca­tion, a general or subject-specific higher educa­tion entrance quali­fi­ca­tion, an equi­va­lent univer­sity entrance quali­fi­ca­tion or a special talent.

Do I have to have completed a pre-study intern­ship or already completed an apprenticeship?

No. For example, know­ledge of craft­sman­ship is an advan­tage for studying product design, but is not a prere­qui­site for admis­sion. The HfG’s work­shop mana­gers offer intro­duc­tory courses for all areas such as wood, metal or plas­tics proces­sing and will advise you on your project work. In the mate­rial library, you will also get a compre­hen­sive over­view of mate­rials from which you can make your proto­types and products.

How do I apply for Bachelor studies?

Your regis­tra­tion and appli­ca­tion must be submitted via the online appli­ca­tion portal by May 15th/​November 15th at the latest. For the winter semester, the apti­tude test will take place in June, and for the summer semester, it will take place at the end of November/​beginning of December. If your appli­ca­tion is complete, you will receive a link and your exam time slot appro­xi­m­ately one week before the exam (please provide the correct email address when applying). Prepare your solu­tion to the task set by us for this date (will be published on our website approx. 6 – 8 weeks before the quali­fying exami­na­tion) and in the courses Product Design and Commu­ni­ca­tion Design a digital presen­ta­tion of your work samples.

Is there a design program without a portfolio?

Classic port­fo­lios are no longer a requi­re­ment for any degree program. 

For admis­sion to the Product Design and Commu­ni­ca­tion Design courses, in addi­tion to comple­ting the home­work assign­ment, it is also compul­sory to prepare 12 to 15 self-made work samples, e.g. two-dimen­sional works, films, models and anima­tions, with a legible name and date of crea­tion, and, if appli­cable, to store them digi­tally. Please have these work samples prepared as digital files (Power­Point, pdf or similar) for the online apti­tude test on the respec­tive device, just like the homework.

In the courses of study Inter­ac­tion Design and Digital Product Design and Deve­lo­p­ment, work samples are optional.

Using the screen sharing func­tion, you have the oppor­tu­nity to present your solu­tion and work samples digi­tally during the inter­view (approx. 5 minutes).

What happens on the day of the apti­tude test?

You will receive a Zoom link and your test time slot of appro­xi­m­ately one hour appro­xi­m­ately one week before the apti­tude test. On the day of the test, the link will take you to the digital waiting room for the quali­fying test (Please wait for the host to start this meeting). The exami­ners will bring you into the virtual meeting room for a 15 minute conver­sa­tion. During this time, you will also explain your solu­tion to the given task and present your work samples via screen-sharing in the Commu­ni­ca­tion Design and Product Design courses. In the courses of study Inter­ac­tion Design and Digital Product Design and Deve­lo­p­ment, the presen­ta­tion of your own work samples is optional. Unfort­u­na­tely, there may be waiting times of up to one hour for the exam, so please plan accordingly.

Was muss ich zur Eignungs­prü­fung mitbringen?

Bitte bringe am Tag der Eignungs­prü­fung deine Haus­auf­gabe und für Produkt­ge­stal­tung auch deine Arbeits­proben mit. Für Inter­ak­ti­ons­ge­stal­tung und Kommu­ni­ka­ti­ons­ge­stal­tung ist das Mitbringen von Arbeits­proben optional.

Des Weiteren benö­tigst du 

  • Blei­stift

  • Radier­gummi

  • Lineal

  • Schere & Cutter

  • Kleb­stoff für Karton/​Papier

  • klar­sich­tiges Klebeband

Wo über­nachte ich, wenn ich zur Eignungs­prü­fung von weiter weg anreise?

Da viele Bewerber*innen von weiter weg anreisen, bieten wir Über­nach­tungs­mög­lich­keiten vom Vortag auf den Tag der Eignungs­prü­fung bei Studie­renden der Hoch­schule an. Nähere Infor­ma­tionen zum Ablauf und einen entspre­chenden Kontakt erhältst Du mit einer Einla­dung zur Eignungsprüfung.

Which degrees can I acquire at the HfG? Is there a Bachelor of Design?

Here, you will complete your Bache­lor’s degree in commu­ni­ca­tion design, product design, inter­ac­tion design or the Digital Product Design and Deve­lo­p­ment with the Bachelor of Arts. The Master of Stra­tegic Design is awarded a degree in Master of Arts.

Can I apply for more than one degree program?

You can only apply for one degree program per semester.